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Senior Men

We field teams in all senior men's grades. We are affiliated with the Ballarat Cricket Association (BCA).

We are always looking for new players and will expand the number of teams we enter for BCA competitions as numbers grow. We do cater for all levels of competitive and social cricket.


Senior Men's training will commence on Thursday 8 August 2024 at Major League indoor centre in Howitt St


For season 2024-5 we are looking to appoint a club coach and continue with our coaching panel across all grades.

First and Second Grade play on turf and are part of very competitive two day and one day competitions.

Third Grade play on synthetic pitches and are in between social and competitive. A combination of one and two day  competitions are played.

Fourth Grade is divided into First and Second Division and are much more social. These grades feature strong representation from players of Subcontinental heritage.

Brown Hill Cricket Club trains as a club on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 5:30 PM at Brown Hill Recreation Reserve.


Our Captains.

Captains are an important part of cricket. BHCC have great pleasure presenting our fine captains of men's grades

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