Junior Cricket

Junior cricket at Brown Hill Cricket Club is all about having fun while learning new skills and making friends.
We are fully committed to our junior players, who are of course, the future for our club. There are two coaches allocated to look after each age group (3 for Under 11) so that we can give lots of attention to individual development. Check out our coaches here.
We have a Child Safety Officer, Steve Blomeley, mobile contact 0417 597 217, who will handle any issues that parents of players might have in the unlikely event of any issue arising. Junior Coordinator for 2024-5 is Phillip Knowles ph:0407399971
email: Phillip.knowles1960@gmail.com
Sausage sizzles are a highlight and are held at the mid season break and end of season. There is even a Christmas party.
Ages are as at 1 September for under age players.
Want more details on our Junior and Blasters programs? Check this page More Junior Info.
We start with Woolworths Blasters where our group leaders provide age appropriate skills development while making sure the kids have a great time. We welcome parental involvement to give kids confidence to try out new skills and be part of an active group. We have senior players rostered to help out and coordination by Peta Guy, our Junior Coordinator. Sessions have several leaders and helpers on hand to make sure the kids have a good time while learning. Sessions are on Friday 4:30 PM to 5:30 starting 24 October 2024 and at Brown Hill Recreation Reserve. We expect the sessions to finish at the end of school term, however we always add sessions to make up for days lost to bad weather. More info on the Blasters program can be found here and on a link for registering.
Further details can be seen by clicking on the Register button below (from 19 September 2024).
New players?
Please feel free to come down to our ground at the Brown Hill Recreation Reserve, 60 Reid St Brown Hill and join in training on Tuesday nights (except Under 17s who play then). We are particularly keen to see Under 11 through to Under 15 players and girls are always made welcome.
Under Age
We then move on to under age cricket with:
Under 11 Open and Girls. At this level, the focus is on learning and developing skills. Officially it is "non-competitive" but we do keep score so that players can talk about their game with friends and family. Open cricket is like it says - open to all. Girls only cricket allows girls to develop skills and confidence amongst their peers. Equipment is light weight and we play with a softer ball. BHCC has a large team kit so you don't have to pay for equipment. Everyone gets an even go at batting and bowling. Catches and runouts are celebrated (usually OTT!). Training is on Tuesdays from 4:30 PM starting 1 October 2024 and games are on Wednesdays from 4:30. The season starts mid October with a break for school holidays
Under 13 Open. This level starts to be competitive while still making sure everyone gets a good game. Equipment is more heavy duty for protection of players and our coaching includes plenty of tips on personal safety. Rules are still focused on participation and skill development. Our coaches include several senior players with first grade experience.
The season starts second week of October and there is a break for the school holidays. We are entering this team in the first division because that is appropriate for the skill level of players. We are still looking for additional players at under 13 level.
Training is on Tuesday nights 4:30 and games are on Friday nights starting 5PM. -
Under 15 Open. At this age group we play with adult level equipment and skill development remains the priority. Coaches are highly experienced and this year we are stepping up to first grade in the age division. New players are welcome. We always need to cover for school camps etc and we always aim to enjoy our cricket. Training is on Tuesdays 4:30, with the option to be invited to senior training that follows. Games are on Saturday mornings, from 8:30AM to approximately 12:30 in the afternoon. Coach is Andrew Sullivan, who offers a wealth of experience.
Under 17 Open. Our under 17 Open team is teaming up with Lucas CC and entered in Division 2. The team plays on Tuesday nights.
Our Junior Coaches
Brown Hill is proud to have a highly experienced team of Junior Coaches. Here are the main ones